We have been working hard to bring some useful updates to our Pattern Manager app. With 0.4.0 hitting the various app stores now let’s take a look at what’s new in the last couple of releases.
Chart instructions
We have been improving charts under the hood in the app and while we were at it we have added an extra tab to the ‘Chart’ view which displays text instructions. If you prefer working from text instructions to charts we’ve now got you covered. You can even highlight the row you are working to keep track.
Dynamic chart sizing
Not only will charts now scale dynamically to your screen size when loaded you can also use the new zoom buttons to make them as big or small as you require.
Repeats are more intuitive
As well as improving repeat intelligibility with subtle indents we have also made the repeat counters and progress check boxes more useful. Incrementing an outer repeat counter will now reset all instructions within the repeat and any inner repeat counters to make tracking your progress more intuitive.
App font size is now configurable
One big advantage of having a dedicated pattern format like OPAF is the app reading them decides how the information is formatted and presented to you. In the 0.4.0 update you can now choose a font size in the app to make your pattern reading experience as comfortable as possible.
PDF font size can be changed too!
You can now select a font size from small to extra large when downloading a PDF copy of your project. Whether you are wanting to save a page or two when printing or struggle to read conventional patterns comfortably because the font is too small this should be a useful addition.
Images can now be viewed full screen
Images in pattern and also in pattern metadata will now load full screen when tapped. You can even zoom and scroll to get a closer look at those schematics.
Stitch tutorial links
Pattern designers can now add links to tutorial videos or blogs directly to stitches. If a link is available it will show up next to the long-hand description of a stitch when clicked in pattern.
Pattern Manager 0.4.0 is live now in the following app stores!